Open Book Chocolates

Handmade, Bean-to-Bar, Fair Trade Chocolate Bars | Literary-Inspired Flavors


Just Launched: Frankenstein & Jolabokaflod (Icelandic Yule Book Flood) on Kickstarter

G. E. Gallas

Our two newest flavors — Frankenstein & Jolabokaflod Icelandic Yule Book Flood!

  • Frankenstein: Raspberries and Icelandic Lava Salt in Dark Chocolate with Milk.

  • Jolabokaflod | Icelandic Yule Book Flood: Candied Orange, Cinnamon, and Clove in Dark Chocolate.

Please Note: Our online store will be closed for the duration of the Kickstarter campaign. You can access all our chocolate bar flavors as backer rewards via Kickstarter. Once the Kickstarter campaign is finished, we will reopen our online store.

Flavor Restock Schedule

G. E. Gallas

Here at Open Book Chocolates, we’re busy working to restock all our chocolate bar flavors! After the winter holidays 2023 and Valentine’s Day 2024, our inventory was very low. We’ve restocked many of our flavors, but are still working on some.

Below is our current flavor restock schedule:

By the End of April:

  • Les Misérables

  • Treasure Island

  • The Great Gatsby

By the End of May:

  • Jane Eyre

  • A Little Princess

  • The Picture of Dorian Gray

  • One Thousand and One Nights

In other words, we hope to be fully restocked by the end of May! :)