Open Book Chocolates

Handmade, Bean-to-Bar, Fair Trade Chocolate Bars | Literary-Inspired Flavors


New Batch of Frankenstein in Progress!

G. E. Gallas

🥳 We have some wonderful news here at Open Book Chocolates!

As I mentioned in our previous blog post (from October 10th), as we were preparing 2024 Kickstarter rewards, we discovered that we had already sold out of our Frankenstein chocolate bars (Frankenstein Sold Out! Online Store Now Open!). We were very surprised by this, since we made approximately 600 Frankenstein bars, thinking that would be more than enough to get us through the end of the year. But we’re absolutely thrilled that Frankenstein is such a hit with our customers!

We are excited to announce that we are able to make approximately 300 more Frankenstein bars this year!

The new batch of Frankenstein bars should be ready late October or early November. We will be sure to announce when the bars are ready here on our blog! 📖🍫😊

In the meantime, our online store is OPEN!

Currently, we are sold out of The Great Gatsby, but expect it will be back in stock by the end of October. Also, we are very low on Sherlock Holmes and Jolabokaflod (Yule Book Flood), so order them before we sell out!

Frankenstein Sold Out! Online Store Now Open!

G. E. Gallas

Here at Open Book Chocolates this week, we’ve been busy preparing and organizing backer rewards for our 2024 Kickstarter campaign: Frankenstein & Jolabokaflod (Yule Book Flood) Chocolate Bars. And, while going through everyone’s requested flavors, we have discovered that we are already sold out of our Frankenstein chocolate bars!

This is very surprising to us, since we made approximately 600 Frankenstein bars, thinking that would be more than enough to get us through the end of the year. We have already sent out many Frankenstein bars to our wonderful wholesale customers, so there’s a possiblity you can still get your hands on a Frankenstein bar at an independent bookstore near you.

We are unable to make more Frankenstein bars before the end of the year. But we will try to restock them as soon as we possibly can. As you may know, we are a very small business, but we grow a little bit every year. It’s very difficult to predict how many chocolate bars of a single flavor we’re going to sell in a year. And we’re really only able to make new chocolate bars from January through October. Therefore, at the beginning of every year, we have no alternative but to make an educated guess as to how many chocolate bars to make for the entire year. For the past few years, 600 bars of our newest flavor is usually more than enough to get us from September through December. But clearly Frankenstein has proved to be extremely popular. Yay!

We’re absolutely thrilled that Frankenstein is a hit with our customers! And we can’t wait for our Kickstarter backers to enjoy their Frankenstein chocolate bars (along with all our other delicious flavors) once we begin sending out rewards starting mid-October. 📖🍫😊

In the meantime, we have now reopened our online store!

Currently, we are sold out of The Great Gatsby, but expect it will be back in stock by the end of October. Also, we are very low on Sherlock Holmes and Jolabokaflod (Yule Book Flood), so order them before we sell out!